Self service
Now it is easy to give your employees the choice of flexible working hours so they can achieve a better work/life balance. It is a simple matter for them to see their summer and winter vacation entitlements and where they stand in relation to their contractual job obligations. Now you plan your time.
Flexible working hours with more “self service” in planning working hours cuts avoidable absenteeism. This can be done, for example, by offering your staff flexible working time, allowing them to store up overtime and request holidays to accommodate childcare and other such issues.
This is the art of having the right number of staff with the right skills on the job at the right time. It is a two-part process: first, the employees have a chance to modify their own wishes so as to avoid unnecessary over- or under-staffing, and after that the manager applies optimisation to deal with the remainder of the task.
We help you to increase:
- productivity
- work/life balance
- customer satisfaction