MyTimePlan‘s Privacy Policy

1. General

MyTimePlan ehf. (“MTP“) is committed to the protection and security of personal data which the company is entrusted to handle. By the same token MTP strives to manage its handling and processing of personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and in a reasonable and transparent manner.
This privacy policy includes the personal data which MTP may receive, collect, process and use and the handling of such personal data.
With this privacy policy we want to inform our employees, our customers and other persons concerned of the structure of the company‘s operation which has to do with collecting and processing of personal data.

2. Legal obligations and warranty

MTP operates in accordance with the Icelandic Act no. 90/2018 on data protection and the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and is responsible for the data which the company receives, in such instances where the company is considered to be a data controller. The company resides at Fiskislóð 31, 101 Reykjavík. All enquiries in connection with handling of personal data shall be directed to

3. Personal Data and Documentation

MTP collects or receives and handles various personal data regarding its employees. The collection and processing of personal data can vary based on various projects. Furthermore, MTP collects personal data regarding their customers and their employees, as well as other contracting parties, as the company is obligated to according to respective laws and regulations, as well as on the basis of agreements with third parties and to serve other legitimate interests.
MTP‘s purpose with collecting their customers’ personal data is mainly to enable MTP‘s software services and solutions to reach its intended objectives and in an as effective a manner as possible.
MTP is required to collect and process various personal data regarding its employees. This information relates to employment agreements, payroll and other issues concerning the work and career of the respective employee. In such cases where collection and processing of personal data needs prior approval, the employee is entitled to revoke such approval at any time.
If further information regarding these issues are requested, such enquiries should be sent to

4. Sharing of Personal Data

In various situations MTP might be required to share personal data with a third party, e.g. in the event where such parties service the company by hosting or other kind of IT services. Because of the nature of MTP‘s services, MTP receives and processes various personal data from its customers. In such cases MTP shall comply to the same rules and standards as stated in this privacy policy.
MTP is mindful of only using personal data for such purpose that its operation requires and MTP will not store such data longer than stipulated by law or as dictated by customer agreements. Furthermore, MTP will not provide a third party access to personal data without the approval of the respective person or by authorization stated in the respective customer agreement.
MTP will not exploit personal data regarding their employees or their customers, i.e. neither with a license or sale of such data.

5. Personal Data Security

MTP will to the extent possible make such technical and operational measures to ensure that personal data is protected in the best manner possible.

6. Storing of Personal Data

Personal data will be stored as long as needed, unless otherwise authorized or required by law.

7. The right of access and rectification of personal data

It is essential that all personal data is correct at all times. Individuals are specially advised to notify MTP of all changes regarding personal data of the respective individual. Individuals can always have the company correct or update personal data about them in the event they come across discrepancies or inaccuracies and in some instances have MTP delete respective personal data.
MTP shall provide individuals access to their own personal data, if requested by an individual MTP, unless in the event prohibited by laws or regulations.
If an individual believes that MTP’s handling of their personal data is not in accordance with laws or regulations, a complaint can be made to the Icelandic Data Protection Authority which will then conduct an investigation.
MTP will revise this privacy policy in accordance with changes of respective laws and regulations or changes in the company‘s processing of personal data. New editions of the privacy policy will be presented on MTP’s website.

This Privacy Policy was first approved on December 12th, 2018.